At the very start of our trip- 4 months ago- some people recommended we come to Ko Chang and stay at Independent Bo's. So we did. And stayed for over 2 weeks!
It's a bit of a crazy place, built into the hills back off the beach and the whole place has been painted up by a German artist. Except for the bungalow we stayed in, which had a few gaps- so we asked if we could add our own touches. The dudes who ran the place (and these guys epitomised the word 'dude') loved our stuff and commissioned us to paint two new bungalows they had just finished building.
So we slipped into a comfy routine of getting up and walking down the beach for breakfast, swimming, then painting, then swimming and at 6 pm we'd be called for dinner, which would be followed by hanging out with our favourite friend there Taer, drinking a few beers and challenging each other to Connect Four. Taer is the Connect Four Guru and consistently whipped my ass! "You want to lose?" is his catch phrase!
Bo's was a special experience for us both. The people there were incredible. I miss it already.